

Today I would like to say a little about an inspiration I received this morning before I made it out of bed.  I was thinking about a long standing conflict in my life that I had been avoiding.  I took some time and prayed about my conflict, and faced that situation for the first time.  This is the message that came:

“Freedom means looking at your life experiences as lessons and not as stumbling blocks.  They are ladders and not inconvenient blocks placed in your way.  To climb the ladder of learning is to think about your situation without emotional attachments, and ask, ‘”What can I learn from this situation today and how can it affect the way I respond to another situation in the future'”.  If you want the freedom to be the person you were created to be, follow this frame of mind.  This will free us of many emotional bagages, and give us fresh eyes to view our lives!

In order to love others, you must first love yourself.  In order to love yourself, you MUST look at yourself ‘wholisticly’ and not just focus on your strengths and successes.  This is impossible and you will secretly hate yourself without even realizing it.  This will in turn affect your love and acceptance of others.

My New Life- Published Author

It is a strange experience being a published author.  There are so many mixed emotions, it’s not funny.  On one hand I am surprised at who supports me.  And on the other I am surprised by who doesn’t.  And so I find myself at the fork of two choices daily.  Should I worry about the people who I thought were my friends but do not support me?  Or should I focus on those that do?  I choose to focus on my supporters!

God has shown me that respect for yourself is about you believing in the God which lives in you and respecting yourself, and not waiting for other people to respect you.  This is because many times people will not respect you, as you may think, but simply tolerate you.  The degree by which you respect yourself is the degree at which you will be respected.

Another important lesson I learned this month is that a very big part of living is pruning.  That means, periodicly, you have to remove people from your life, and it is ok.  It is not something to panic or be depressed about.  It is a wise and natural part of life.

I love life and I am very blessed by the feedback I have been getting from readers of Unchained Child.  God is love!


Unchained Child of the Most High God is now published! It is available on Amazon and at my estore at the link below.

I thank God for all of the experiences that I’ve encountered to bring me to this place, and for the people that have been strategicly placed in my life to push me along.

I now understand why Jesus said he came for that which was lost.  He did not come to help those who thought they were highly religious and not in need of help. Like his ministry, Unchained Child… came to find the broken hearted, to comfort those who have lost loved ones, and to set the captive free.

Be a part of my ministry.  Get your copy and pass the word on.

What does it mean to “be yourself”?


People say, “Be yourself!” But what exactly does it mean to be yourself?

Being yourself means:
1. knowing your strengths.
2. being honest about your weaknesses.
3. really looking at yourself in the mirror.
4. being able to laugh at yourself when you mess up….let’s do one hearty lol!
5. knowing that some people in your life will publicly show their disgust of you.
6. knowing that some will pretend like they are your friends but secretly hate you.
7. realizing that you might not be the prettiest person by human standards.
8. settling the arguement that no matter how you look or feel…your life has a purpose.
9. realizing that your emotions can trick you.
10. understanding that you have limitations.
11. not beating yourself up for other people’s mistakes…but looking at things objectively.
12. staying on course and focussing on the path God put you on in spite of people’s actions to get you to react to their actions.
13. realizing that only our creator is perfect.

See now that being yourself is a day to day…ongoing…lifetime task.
This can overwhelm us but his grace is sufficient as you take it one day at a time.

Hello world!

Hello Fans!

I am so thrilled to be creating my first blog on WordPress!  The past two weeks I have loaded up my friends and family on Facebook with information about my new title: Unchained Child of the Most High God.  Finally I am able to create a special place here, with the sole purpose of connecting with my readers.  I know that my audience will grow as time goes by.  Numbers is not what matters.  It’s the impact that this work will have on your life that will make all of my effort worthwhile!  I thank God for giving me a message to share, and I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Faith, love, and peace!